605 Avenue du Général de Gaulle
BP 50049
06210 Mandelieu Cedex
Horaires & Réservation
Ouvert toute l’année 7j/7
Latitude : 43.5300642 Longitude : 6.94839
Royal The Institute

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Members should be your most loyal customers, so giving them perks that encourage them to purchase repeatedly from you keeps them coming back for more. Memberships extends your free shipping settings so you can offer free shipping directly to your members, while requiring non-members to meet other criteria (like having a coupon or minimum order amount).

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Members should be your most loyal customers, so giving them perks that encourage them to purchase repeatedly from you keeps them coming back for more. Memberships extends your free shipping settings so you can offer free shipping directly to your members, while requiring non-members to meet other criteria (like having a coupon or minimum order amount). While membership management should be easy on you, it should be easy on your members, too. Members can find all of the information they need about their memberships in the Member Area. Members can access the area for any membership from the “My Account” page by clicking “View”.



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